Thursday, August 8, 2013


Together, We Can Strut to Our Goal!

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CAWS | Community Animal Welfare Society

A Dog with Real Heart
Photo of Daisy following her heart surgery. 

Need a Little More Cute in Your Life?
Become a pet foster. You could help animals like Ashlee, a sweet-faced ball of fluff who came to us with a compound fracture of her back leg and two toes torn off of her other back leg. The broken leg was beyond saving and, unfortunately, had to be amputated. Now she is recovering and happily living with her foster parents (who probably are going to keep her) and reportedly just purrs and purrs. Awww... so much adorable!

You and CAWS Are Making a Big Difference!
A big thank you to everyone who supports our adoption events. During the last Super Adoption, there were more than 500 animals adopted and CAWS pulled more dogs from shelters than any other rescue organization! Visit our Calendar of Events for a schedule of more upcoming adoption events.

CAWS Dog is a Hero!
When Jenine Green rescued black lab Gilligan, she had no idea that her new pup would soon return the favor
Putting the "Fun" in Fundraising
Day after day CAWS supporters and volunteers help animals. And, we like to have fun. As a CAWS supporter, we're pretty sure you like helping animals and having fun too. 
By joining our Strut Your Mutt Dog Pack on September 21 at Liberty Park, you can have some fun while you show your commitment to helping animals. It's a win/win! 
You can also donate to one of the team members if strutting isn't your thing.
We are about halfway to our (rather lofty) goal of $20,000, and we know we can get there with your help! So, come have some fun with us for a great cause.
You can register or donate on our CAWS Strut Your Mutt Fundraising Page.
What Real Commitment to Animal Welfare Looks Like
Daisy (photo at left, above) was born with a Persistent Right Aortic Arch, which pinched off and weakened her esophagus, making it so food could not get to her stomach. Dogs with this condition usually don't survive longer than a year, but somehow this tough girl lived five years before CAWS brought her in from a shelter and arranged the extensive heart surgery she needed last spring. 
Veterinarian Dr. Wilson and his team operated on Daisy and have provided excellent follow-up care for her. Equally incredible is the care and attention provided by her foster moms. Lauren nursed Daisy through her initial recovery. Then Britta brought Daisy home and has, with time and research, devised a special diet for her. As Daisy heals, she has to sit upright after her meals, and Britta and Lauren both helped ensure she is able to do this. In addition, Britta is patiently working with Daisy to help her learn to socialize with other dogs. 
Daisy is still recovering; she is gaining weight and keeping her food down better every day. Thanks to the amazing commitment of foster parents, talented veterinary staff, and countless CAWS supporters, she has a chance for a normal, healthy life in a future forever home (Daisy is available for adoption. Please contact us if you would like to adopt her.)
It is this kind of love and care that sets CAWS apart. By fostering animals in a home environment whenever possible, CAWS pets are well socialized and are able to be placed into homes that fit their personalities and temperaments, helping to increase adoption successes. And by helping animals with special needs—complicated cases like Daisy's—CAWS gives each animal a chance to live a long and happy life. 

CAWS - Community Animal Welfare Society
P.O. BOX 160554 | Clearfield, UT 84016 | 801.328.4731 | | email:

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